


在NAND Flash的製造過程中所產生故障區塊,稱為Early Bad Block。在使用的過程中,也會隨著寫入、抹除的操作次數增加,而逐漸產生故障區塊,稱為Latter Bad Block。

NAND Flash Bad Block Management

Bad Block Table Store in one good block of the last 4 blocks. There is one main table and one mirror table. For bad block mark: Update BBT on nand flash.

Bad Block Information Introduction

2013年11月19日 — Creating and using a bad block table will simplify the task of managing bad blocks and prevent the accidental destruction of bad block markers.


故障區塊管理(Bad Block Management)可偵測及標記出快閃記憶體中的壞塊,並事先預留備用區塊。

Bad Block Management in NAND Flash Memory

The blocks contained in the bad block table are not addressable. So, if the flash translation layer (FTL) addresses one of the bad blocks, the bad block ...


在NAND Flash的制造过程中所产生故障区块,称为Early Bad Block。在使用的过程中,也会随着写入、抹除的操作次数增加,而逐渐产生故障区块,称为Latter Bad Block。

Bad Block Management

Bad Block Management detects and marks bad blocks, utilizes the reserved extra capacity to substitute the unusable blocks, and prevents data from being written ...

Bad block table support

The blocks in which the tables are stored are procteted against accidental access by marking them bad in the memory bad block table. The bad block table ...

Nandflash 存在壞塊,壞掉了嗎?

2021年3月22日 — 從Block 0 (塊0)開始確認是否有bad block mark 壞塊標誌,如果搜尋的位址是bad block就建系統bad block 表格,依序確認到最後一個block 。 Nand Flash ...